Defence School Mentor

Defence School Mentor (DSM)

Waikiki Primary School recognises that children with parents/carers in the Defence Forces may experience disruption to their education each time they move for a posting/deployment. We have a range of services and resources on offer to assist with the transition between schools and education systems, and to provide support for the unique needs of Defence students.

At Waikiki Primary School Mrs Joan Crozier is our Defence School Mentor. Mrs Crozier provides educational support to Defence families as they move around the country by providing information, advice, referral and specialised educational and social assistance.

This includes:

  • Informing families about local schools and education systems, and working with parents, students and teachers to manage the transition to a new location and school,
  • Linking families with education providers, resources or support agencies according to their child’s individual needs (including special needs students),
  • Working with schools to ensure a supportive educational environment and to raise awareness of issues facing Defence children, and
  • Informing families about Defence support services available, including financial and medical assistance entitlements.

Each Monday and Wednesday recess, Joan meets with the Defence students for social and art activities to promote friendships and build relationships. Our Defence students are involved in our ANZAC and Remembrance Day ceremonies and host a morning tea for staff, special guests, Defence families and student leaders.

Joan organises excursions for our Defence students. They have visited the Museum at Comet Bay College and the Army Museum in Fremantle. These excursions are a great opportunity for students to learn about all Defence services.