School Board

The role of the School Board is a diverse one, but its primary role is to establish and review the school’s objectives, priorities and policy directions. The Board holds the school to account for its performance on behalf of the Minister for Education, the Director General of Education and the local community. In its advisory capacity, the School Board advises the Principal about the local community context and reviews the allocation of resources and funding to meet the business plan targets.

Examples of Board responsibilities include

  • Approval of voluntary school contributions,
  • School dress code and book list items.

It is a way for parents and the community to be involved in school decision making and the strategic direction of the school.

The Waikiki Primary School Board members are:

  • Principal – Daniel Moore
  • Staff – Arna O’Neil
  • Staff – Amanda Barrett
  • Staff – Nicole O’Shannessy
  • Parent – Chloe Metcalfe
  • Parent – Katrina Roberts
  • Parent – Jessica Ford
  • Parent – Larissa Stevens-Smith
  • Community Member – Damien Blason

School Board Meetings 2023

School Board Minutes 5 December 2023

School Board Minutes 23 May 2023

School Board Minutes 28 Mar 2023

School Board Minutes 21 Feb 2023